I ended my last post with the rhetorical question, "the language of sex is universal, is it not?" Elsewhere I've argued that porn by new female porn makers differs greatly depending on what side of the Atlantic ocean they're from. While they may share a dedicated desire to create something different from mainstream porn, films made by American women (and men), typically located in progressive pockets on the East or West coast, are often characterized by a pedagogical/political commitment to show the public that sex is not bad, erotica is not bad, even porn need not be bad. Sex between lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, etc., is not bad. BDSM is not bad. Having sexual hang-ups is natural and can be overcome. Anal penetration can be fun, both for women and for men, including men in heterosexual relationships.
The European filmmakers are not so concerned with these agendas. Characters in these films engage in a variety of sexual practices, and they are not as burdened by sexual insecurities as their American peers. Attitudes to sex, erotica, and porn are more relaxed in Europe, and so the "need" to legitimize various sexual practices is less urgent.
European filmmakers also tend to show greater artistic talent and film technical skills. They demonstrate a finer attention to framing, cutting, and sound; they know how to juxtapose the right two images next to each other for the greatest aesthetic effect. Likely because the business has less of a social stigma, it appeals to the talent of people who in the US would shy away from it. Probably the greater financial support of the arts in Europe has something to do with it.
On the other hand, porn by women in the US does tend to have an edginess that's culturally and politically refreshing.
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