Wednesday, July 18, 2012

my author's copies have arrived and pre-ordering is available

I was pretty excited to see my book come up on Amazon yesterday morning, available for pre-ordering both in the US and the UK.

Then during lunch with my four-year-old, a box with my author's copies arrived in the mail.

My daughter was thrilled to see her name on the dedication page — "To Lilly and a future generation of empowered women" — and seeing my name on the cover finally nailed the fact to her that I do write books.

My little girl brought her copy with to bed and it was the first thing she asked for this morning. Quite the fan! :)

I think she could do quite well as a book marketer too:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

after pornified has a publication date!

The publication date has been set for my book After Pornified: How Women Are Transforming Pornography & Why It Really Matters — so be prepared for it on October 26, 2012! Early copies have been ordered for my talks about my work with this book before that and might be available for retail before the official launch date. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, I'll be busy helping out planning the book launch party and other readings and talks this fall, including in conjunction with progressive film festivals where I'll be speaking. A "calender of events" page will soon be featured on this blog.

The publisher's page for my book (which includes a link to their author page for me) is here: After Pornified: How Women Are Transforming Pornography & Why It Really Matters

Thursday, July 5, 2012

one night stand: hot and sexy french queer porn

(This review was originally published at Good Vibrations Online Magazine.)

One Night Stand (2006) was the film that originally brought Paris-based French photographer and filmmaker Emilie Jouvet (35) onto the international scene. Her first feature length film, Emilie presents it as "a DIY romantic queer porn" but, as The End of Being points out, "don't expect amateur work." "Jouvet’s porn is of a conceptual nature" reflecting an "interest in the city lights, the trashy glamour, and fast-living of girls who not only command their space, but demand it." Indeed, what sets One Night Stand apart, is its unique esthetic sensibility and its reflective approach to gender and sexuality. A conceptual underground art house film, One Night Stand displays Emilie's edgy artistic style, using the night light and digital quality for effect as it explores queer sex. The handheld camera work and the confident editing combine to present a film that feels both unbrushed and visceral, and polished and poetic at the same time. The energy is strong throughout with an indie musical soundtrack delivering the scenes' palpable sexual energy.

The viewer is right away pulled into the charged space of One Night Stand in the film's opening prelude. Accompanied by a catchy soundtrack that will get you on your feet, we follow a blond short-haired woman walking down the stairs of a night club. The black and white quality of the picture gradually warms into muted colors as the camera caresses the women partying and dancing, compelled by the rhythms played by a sylphlike DJ, her delicate long fingers spinning the record. The psychedelic soundtrack escalates as the tension builds—"sex bound, revelation," hisses a woman on the dance beat—women watching women, dancing, flirting, kissing, making out.

Cut to the opening credits followed by five one-night stands.
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