Porn Women Want:
James Deen (tumblr) |
fall issue of the
Utne Reader is devoted to 21st century sex. Featuring many good articles, it also includes an
excerpt from
A Billion Wicked Thoughts by Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam. The authors boastfully claim to have conducted "the world's largest experiment" "to understand the specific cues that trigger human desire." True, they report some curious findings about people's online searches for porn (on which their purportedly extensive study is based). But they appear sadly unable to unstuck themselves from stereotypical assumptions about gender. "On the web, women prefer stories and men prefer images," they claim. And the kinds of stories women like feature "sexy vampires and lusty werewolves" because "supernatural males are alphas among alphas, turbocharging cues of masculinity ... fully capable of protecting the ones they love." Men, on the other hand, like to look at young women, MILF (Mothers I'd Like to Fuck), big penises, and cuckold porn because it stimulates
"sperm competition," which enables a male's sperm to compete with other males' sperm to impregnate a female's egg.
("If a man believes that his sexual partner may have been with a rival, he is driven to have sex with her as quickly and as vigorously as possible").*
If you read their book or the excerpt published in the
Utne Reader, I ask that you also read feminist sex and porn blogger Ms. Naughty's
sharp post critiquing these authors' study and their findings (I also post a bit about it
here). As Ms. Naughty noted when she wrote her post back in June, plenty of other bloggers had by then already pointed out various problems with this book and the methodology used. But Ms. Naughty adds some eyeopening facts debunking their study.